Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thoughts on detachment

One of the hardest things to do is to be consistent. It's also one of the most important, so people either struggle and show the wears of the fight or avoid the struggle and allow ebbs and flow to dictate the terms of whatever their situation is. In order to stay consistent, there must be a degree of separation as well as stability in the mind of the person striving for that level.

Passion is good, but it cannot become the fire that burns down the house. Emotions can lift, or it can weigh. Being able to see yourself almost from a third person is a good way to keep yourself from braving the full strength of emotional blasts, both positive and negative. Too much emotion can lead to paralysis, and hinder mobilization of action.

Being able to objectively view situations and emotion is very critical for mental stability, especially through a stressful time period. It is something that takes practice, and a daily reminder to do this is needed.

Also critical to consistency is a continued awareness of the big picture. What are the purposes of your actions you want to be consistent in? Where do you hope to go with being able to keep your nose to the grindstone with these actions for a long stretch of time? Do you want it enough to not become knocked off course by changes in circumstances and mentalities?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Switching up the objectives...

I'm going to be reviving this blog, hopefully for good this time. Since the blog's name is improving-daily, I figure it is a way to track my progress in different important areas of my life. In the future I hope to look back and track my changes in thought, habits, and ethos, for the better. At the moment I am not sure how to attack my shortcomings, but I know that I need to seize moments and time while I can still say I have plenty of it.

For a couple of months now I have been looking more into mental training as a part of martial arts curriculums. Clearly one of my biggest weaknesses as a person, is control, and as an extension of that, vision. Or maybe it is the other way around? I often lack clarity in what I am trying to accomplish, and in turn I do not control myself in moving myself towards tasks and goals. This has been a big problem in the past as I would often sit with no movement towards an objective, letting time and respect slip away. When I was a kid this was a huge problem in being consistent with my goals, coupled with the fact that I was a restless little boy. I will end this entry for now since this window has been up for far too long, but I will keep this blog consistent with updates.